Tailored for young people with intellectual disabilities to help them make safer use of social media and to prevent the risk of sexual harassment and cyberbullying related to it.  


Designed for youth disability workers, this initiative aims to develop their competence and expertise to replicate the educational program and acquire the necessary knowledge to provide targeted support in cases where abuse is suspected or occurs.


A series of materials and resources designed to raise awareness about the risks and benefits of ICT for individuals with intellectual disabilities, targeted at informal carers, professionals, stakeholders, and the general public.

News and events




ASSOC is a non-governmental organization, set up in 1995 as a social services provider. The mission of the organization is to foster social integration and to improve the life conditions of vulnerable groups through education and work.
Anziani e non solo

Anziani e non solo

ANS is a non-profit organization funded in 2004 with the goal to implement transformative education and social work activities aimed to promote the inclusion of vulnerable groups.


INTRAS Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to provide integrated care in the field of mental health and ageing with more than 25 years of experience


The Republic of North Macedonia
KMOP Skopje is a non-governmental organisation which focuses on supporting vulnerable people through the implementation of social initiatives, education, research and provision of social services.


"Social Cooperative Activities for Vulnerable Groups - EDRA" is a Non-Profit Organisation, operating in the fields of mental health and mental retardation since 2001,

Frequently Asked Questions

PRISCILLA intends to contribute to equip young men and women with intellectual disabilities with skills to protect themselves from the risk of sexual cyberbullying while exploiting as much as possible the benefits that ICT and social media can provide them.

It is a developmental disability characterized by mild to profound limitations in cognitive function (e.g., learning, problem solving, reasoning, planning) and in adaptive behavior, impairing one’s ability to acquire skills typical for one’s age group as a child or necessary for one’s later independent functioning as an adult. (Source: APA)

The target groups of PRISCILLA are: young people (18-30) with intellectual disabilities, their parents / informal carers and professionals working with them in social and health care services.

(A) a training programme for young people with intellectual disabilities based on active learning techniques, role-playing, embodiment, visual aids and other adapted training methodologies

(B) a blended-learning course for youth workers working with persons with intellectual disabilities aimed to provide them the skills and competences to support their users in safely and responsibly using digital tools for social interaction and to react in case abuse or harassment are revealed

(C) a digital awareness raising programme targeting parents of young people with intellectual disabilities on how to balance risks and benefits of ICT

(D) Dissemination tools to mainstream project results and to raise awareness about the risks to which young persons with intellectual disabilities are exposed while using the web.


NUMBER 2023-2-RO01-KA220-YOU-000174271

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

© 2024 – Priscilla Partnership
Anziani Non Solo Scs – Via Lenin 55 Carpi (Italy) P.IVA E Iscr. Reg. Imp. MO 04699521219 REA MO – 341781

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